The truck was very over loaded & that really did not help the situation at all.
We had to spend about five days in a hotel when we first got here, because it had been so muddy our carpet had been delayed for the install. We have had our share of electrical & plumbing issues as well, the water to our house is fed by a spring, the water lines have not been taken care of at all in the last year & a half since someone lived in the house. Our water heater broke down on Tuesday & shot steam all over the closet that it was in, the water heater was still within that manufactures warranty so we called & they sent us new heating elements wiring panels & blow valve. Steven pulled out the water heater got all the parts replaced & his brother in law helped him wire it back up. While Steven was vacuuming up the water mess the old wood sub floor was getting sucked up as well, yes it was rotted out, Steven put in a new sub floor got all the plumbing hooked back up & got the ot water running again.
We have starting the processes of updating the house, we are putting in a new kitchen floor, we are replacing both toilets and putting in two new showers. One of the biggest problems we have had here is the ladybug infestation, lady bugs had taken up residence in the walls of our home, we bombed the house last Monday & came back to thousands of dead lady bugs all over the place, i guess there are much worse things that we could have in the walls.
Chantelle's sister & husband felt very bad that we have had so much work to do all alone, Brian took time off of work & they drove out help us renovate this old house, last we also had a new friend Andrew come by & help us with some of the isues that we have had. It has been so nice to meet so many good people who are just so willing to help you in any way possible.
My husband and I have a dream on living on enoughproperty to live off it. What are you guys doing for income while living on your farm?
when you said you were picking up the family and getting a farm, you weren't joking! way to go!
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