Alright it's time for another episode of the Harris Family news letter. THE END
So I guess I can't just leave it at that. Since the last news letter we have gotten our adoption approval!!! Our profile is now online: we could be chosen as a family for a new baby at anytime & from any state. Our profile is located at:,12272,2133-1-9516,00.html
We have also updated our Blog recently
We are getting read the new school year. We have decided to send EH to public school for Kindergarten (Chantelle's still not sure.) We think she will be able to get some of the good social skills that she needs. EH is very excited about having the chance to go to school, she talks about it almost everyday. This will also give Chantelle a chance to work with BH more one on one. BH has been getting home schooled this year. We have wondered all year if we were teaching him everything that he needed to be able to pass first grade. We got the chance to have him tested by his teacher from kindergarten (the one we liked) Mrs. Hodgins. He did very well in math. His reading & writing however needed a little bit more work but it was good enough to pass first grade, and continue with home schooling which is what he needs. JH is now 3 years old. For her birthday she got herself a big girl bed, she is very excited that she gets to sleep in her very own bed. She actually had to "earn" it by taking her naps when she was supposed to in her crib for the 3 months prior to her birthday. It was amazing she just operated on the faith that she would get it if she just did what we said. So she graduated from her crib on her birthday. On July 26th we had a party at our house for JH & Steven, we had a BBQ & a Mexican fiesta. Chantelle made homemade refried black beans, mom's recipe of Spanish rice, and we grilled fish for fish tacos. It was a hit and a lot of fun. We had about 39 people in all. We also got a kitten on the same day as the party. Now we have a new member of our family.
Chantelle's news of the month is she got a Cuisinart bread maker with a GLUTEN FREE setting on it (you have to do the breads a little different.) Shaunna found it at a yard sale for a buck! When Chantelle used it for the first time she realized the reason it was so cheap. The second part of the knead cycle wasn't working. So resourcefully she called Cuisinart after saying a prayer and sure enough they offered to send her out a brand new one to replace it. It was still under the warranty! So tonight we had some delicious Gluten, Milk, Egg, and Soy free bread. (It was also corn and nut free but luckily we're not allergic to those.)
That's about all for now. Wish we could travel out to see you all but three words stand in our way money, money and money.
1 comment:
Love it!! Thanks for the update & beautiful pictures. I can't believe how big your kids are getting. WOW!
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