We Have Made the step to home school our children; it is something that has been a long time coming. There have been a lot of things that have led us to this decision. First off we are just tired of not knowing how Brokton's day has gone at school, sometimes he just does not have the capability to tell us everything that has happened in his day. We have not been getting very good communication from the school on how things are going and what changes that they plan on making for testing that they feel they need to do. When the school year started, and even before then they were already trying to be sneaky about things, we had found out after a few days that they were mainstreaming Brokton with other classes without even consulting us. We went to the school to find out why this was happening, we were told by the principal that he did not know why he was being main streamed & that we would have to talk to the teacher. I came home & called the teacher, and you guessed it she claimed she did not know why that was happening ether and that we would have to talk to the principal. I spoke with the teacher & told her he was just told that she knew why, her story quickly changed and we were then being told that the IEP did not specify anything about him not being allowed to be main streamed. After going round and round for two weeks we finally got an IEP meeting setup, we laid out all of the rules for Brokton, we thought by doing this that it would force them to comply, apparently it doesn't.
The last and final straw happened on Friday October 19h Chantelle was driving by the school and felt that she needed to check on Brokton as he had a hard morning before school. She went into the school signed in like we always do; she then went to the class room. Chantelle walked into the room and was given a most unwelcome glare from the teacher. Chantelle tried not to let Brokton to see her but he did. Chantelle went over to him and was told by the teacher that he was doing seat work and that it HAD to be done alone, that is the point of seat work. Chantelle then left the class and saw Brokton's old teacher and was invited into her class to say hello. After Chantelle left the class room she saw Mrs. Abnet Brokton's current teacher in the office talking to the Vice Principle, she was then called into her office and was told that she is not allowed to go into the class without talking to the VP first as it is to distracting to everyone else. Chantelle stated that she understood that the class needed to have little disruption, but if the school to trying to tell her she is not allowed to see her child when she feels the need to then she will just have to home school him and he would not be coming back. The VP continued to harp on her point and then brought up that Chantelle had gone to see Brokton's old teacher. The was the final straw. We pulled him out and just decided to be done with it for good. Later after this whole thing was done, Brokton said he didn't want to go back to school (he has said that a lot this year.) He said that he did not want to go back to Mrs. Abnet because a few days ago she told him to sit down do his work grow up and stop being a baby. We knew at that point that we had done the right thing, and that Chantelle was guided to take him out of school in order to prevent any further abuse by this wonderful school system that our children are growing up in; it's certainly far worse than when we were in school that's for sure.
A mom's commentary:
You really have to wonder what the school system is coming to when they have lost all decency. A week and a half before school we tried to find out which teacher Brokton had and the Prin. and VP looked at me in the face and said they couldn't tell me because it wouldn't be fair to the other students who had to wait for the letters to come out all the while knowing full well who the teacher was! Then two months later look at you in the face and tell you that because your child has a special need that you have to get special permission to visit the class. SO let me get this straight I have to accommodate them but they don't have to accommodate me???????!?!?!!? In the words of Wil-E-Coyote @#%$% $^%^ $%@#!
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