We have had such a wonderful turn around in our home since we began home schooling. Before homeschool we would have at least one meltdown from Brokton in the morning before the bus. Then after school at 2:30 we'd have 4 to 5 meltdowns until we finally put him to bed at 6:30 or 7. That was a good day. On the bad days, meltdowns were counted by the minutes.
Now we have 2 to 3 meltdowns in the whole day from morning to night. Brokton actually came to me a week into homeschooling and said "Mama I want to read to you." He was able to read me a book "The Birthday Car." His reading has picked up a lot. He is doing well with our family and loving life again.
I have to say that I can see how God really works on your heart to do the right thing. Last spring I started looking at homeschooling materials for Evelyn who is still a year away from "official" kindergarten. I kept wishing that I could do something more for Brokton for school but felt incapable. When things started to go awry with the school I really started to pray to know the right thing for my family. I began to feel prompted that if God wanted me to home school Brokton that he would make me able to do it. Just days before we pulled Brokton out we had made a tentative plan for Brokton to be home schooled starting next year. Then the day I pulled him out I just felt I should go to the school to check on him and a series of event unfolded and I pulled him out. I am grateful that I did because later I found out some more information about the teacher from Brokton. I am so glad that I listened to the Lord and went to the school and got my son before more damage was done.